2011-12-04. Erik Hansen-Hansen as contributer of two chapters in new Danish academic book on fashion ‘Klædt på til Skindet: Modens kultur og æstetik’ (‘Dressed to the skin: the culture and aesthetics of fashion’), edited by Lars Dybdahl and Ida Engholm, published by Vandkunsten, Autumn 2011.
Pages 136-151 ‘Luksusmoden og logotaskerne’ (‘Luxury fashion and logo handbags’), about the contemporary luxury fashion, female beauty as central for luxury fashion business, luxury fashion handbags as economic products as well as markers of sexual difference. All images in this chapter are photographed by hansen-hansen.com.
Pages 152-167 ‘Luksusmoden som storbymonument og oplevelsesøkonomi’ (Luxury fashion as big city monument and experience economy’), about contemporary luxury fashion, architecture, art, flagship stores, fashion shopping as experience economy. All images in this chapter are photographed by hansen-hansen.com.
The book can be ordered online here
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